Sunday, December 12, 2010

New House.

So, here we are. Finally in our house with the girls. :) After seeing the house cleaned up and with some of our things in it, its not as bad as when we first saw it.
Hopefully the paint machine will be fixed sometime really soon so we can paint and make this our little home.
Downside...the neighbors above us are so loud all the time. Especially at night; walking around constantly, moving furniture (it sounds like), letting their 2 year old BANG on the floor for however long they want. Its loud.  And we cant say anything because of 2 reasons...1) there are "quiet hours" and they don't go past them usually. 2) Jonathan says he doesn't want to be the neighbor who starts stuff. In my opinion, if it's stopping me from sleep, or making my dogs hyper and alert...I don't care if I am that person. I just think they should know. I am gonna obviously give it a week or so and see if it settles down...maybe after we get our things because  I don't want them to come right back and say that the hammering on the walls is disturbing them. It just the common sense things that they are being inconsiderate about that bothers me. Like the child banging on the floor. Obviously don't let him do that when there are people below you. Things that are obviously gonna effect the people down stairs don't do it over and over and over.
Upside...nice size to actually have company over and enjoy it. Lol.

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